Karad Urban Bank Satara Satara Maharashtra MICR CODE

Find MICR Codes for Karad Urban Bank Satara Satara Maharashtra

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Bank The Karad Urban Co-Op Bank Ltd
Business Hours
Mode Of Payment Cash,Cheque,Demand Draft and Net banking
Branch Apashinge
Contact 265498
Bank Details The Karad Urban Co-Op Bank Ltd Apashinge KUCB0488060
Location Satara, Satara
City Satara
District Satara
State Maharashtra
Pincode 415518
Country IN
Address Grampanchayat bhavan, apashinge satara - 415518
Note: The working hours listed are generalized for all banks. Please take a note that the bank timings may vary from branch to branch. As per guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India, banks will not be operational on 2nd and 4th Saturdays and all Sundays of a month.

How does MICR code 0 for Apashinge branch help to speed up the cheque clearing process?

In manual clearing of cheques, many errors may occur and the whole process is quite time consuming. The MICR technology speeds up the processing of cheque as it reduces manual efforts of sorting. Thus the 0 of Karad Urban Co Op Bank, Apashinge branch makes the system almost error free and faster. Use of Karad Urban Co Op Bank MICR codes for Apashinge branch, makes the characters readable even if there are other marks and stamps on it.

MICR code for Karad Urban Bank Apashinge

Karad Urban Bank MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) code is a machine readable code used for processing and clearance of cheques. Karad Urban Co Op Bank MICR code for Apashinge is a 9 digit code, in which first 3 digit represents the city code, next 3 digit to bank code and later 3 digit to branch code. 0 is the MICR code of Karad Urban Co-Operative Bank for Apashinge branch. MICR code for Apashinge branch includes document type indicator, bank code, cheque number, etc. When a cheque goes for clearing, this code is read by a magnetic reader and then automatically sorted. MICR code for Karad Urban Co Op Bank Apashinge is presented in the table alongside.

Use of Karad Urban Co Op Bank MICR code for Apashinge branch in satara

The MICR code 0 is used in RBI cheque clearing process to identify the branch Apashinge and Karad Urban Co Op Bank bank for clearing processes. The MICR characters, which are printed using magnetic ink, are passed before a MICR reader. Initially the ink gets magnetized and when it is read, each character produces a unique waveform which can be easily identified. MICR code of Karad Urban Co-Operative Bank is typically in either of these two font’s: E-138 and CMC-7.
