SBI Pathankot Mirthal Punjab MICR CODE

Find MICR Codes for SBI Pathankot Mirthal Punjab

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Bank State Bank Of India
Business Hours
Mode Of Payment Cash,Cheque,Demand Draft and Net banking
Branch Mirthal
Contact 9417362980
Bank Details State Bank Of India Mirthal SBIN0051546
Location Pathankot, Mirthal
City Pathankot
District Mirthal
State Punjab
Pincode 145101
Country IN
Address Near busstandg t roadvpo mirthaldist pathankotpin 145101
Note: The working hours listed are generalized for all banks. Please take a note that the bank timings may vary from branch to branch. As per guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India, banks will not be operational on 2nd and 4th Saturdays and all Sundays of a month.

Search SBI MICR Codes in mirthal

You can search through MICR Codes of Punjab branches in pathankot of District mirthal in Punjab State by using the search box or you can browse through the table using the conrols at the bottom.

A total of 1 branches of State Bank Of India are available with micr code -


How to find MICR codes for SBI in pathankot?

SBI pathankot MICR codes are given in the table alongside. Details including address and contact numbers are also provided. From State Bank Of India MICR codes list for pathankot, one can further search by branch name specified in the table. You can find MICR codes for all SBI pathankot branches.

State Bank Of India MICR code in pathankot

SBI MICR code is a character recognition technology used by banks in the processing of cheques. State Bank Of India MICR code for pathankot branches includes document type indicator, bank code, cheque number, etc. This code is printed in either of the two fonts E-138 and CMC-7 using a magnetic ink or toner, usually containing iron oxide. The MICR code for SBI Bank branches in pathankot, is used to identify the bank branch to which the cheque belongs. It is used by RBI for clearance of cheques.

How does SBI Bank MICR code for pathankot branches speed up the processing of cheques?

In manual clearing of cheques, there is a possibility of many errors and a long delay is involved. The characters of MICR code for a SBI pathankot branch, sprinted using magnetic ink, are passed before a MICR reader. Initially the ink gets magnetized and when it is read, each character produces a unique waveform which can be easily identified. Thus MICR code for State Bank Of India pathankot branches speeds up the processing of cheque as it reduces manual effort of sorting. Use of SBI Bank MICR codes for pathankot branches, makes the characters readable even if there are other marks and stamps on it. This makes the system almost error proof!
