SBI Kolkata Kolkata West Bengal MICR CODE

Find MICR Codes for SBI Kolkata Kolkata West Bengal

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Bank State Bank Of India
Business Hours
Mode Of Payment Cash,Cheque,Demand Draft and Net banking
Branch Racpc Koklata
Contact 033-22884232
Bank Details State Bank Of India Racpc Koklata SBIN0004490
Location Kolkata, Kolkata
City Kolkata
District Kolkata
State West Bengal
Pincode 700001
Country IN
Address Dist kolkata
Note: The working hours listed are generalized for all banks. Please take a note that the bank timings may vary from branch to branch. As per guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India, banks will not be operational on 2nd and 4th Saturdays and all Sundays of a month.

How does MICR code 700002995 for Racpc Koklata branch help to speed up the cheque clearing process?

In manual clearing of cheques, many errors may occur and the whole process is quite time consuming. The MICR technology speeds up the processing of cheque as it reduces manual efforts of sorting. Thus the 700002995 of State Bank Of India, Racpc Koklata branch makes the system almost error free and faster. Use of State Bank Of India MICR codes for Racpc Koklata branch, makes the characters readable even if there are other marks and stamps on it.

A total of 293 branches of State Bank Of India are available with micr code -

>>A.E Market >>Agm Sme Ao Kolkata >>Agri Commercial Branch Kolkata >>Alipore >>Alipore Court Treasury >>Amherst Street >>Ashutosh Mukherjee Road Kolkata. >>Azad Hind Bagh Kolkata >>B B Gangully Street >>B R B B Road >>B T Road >>B. K. Paul Avenue >>Bac Street >>Badu Road >>Bagh Bazar >>Baghajatin Bzr. >>Bagmari >>Bagri Market >>Bakhrahat Road >>Bakutala >>Ballygunge >>Ballygunge Park >>Ballygunge Rly. Stn. >>Ballygunj Kolkata >>Bangur Avenue >>Bansdroni >>Basudevpur Howrah >>Beadon Street >>Behala >>Behala Chowrastha >>Belgachia Duttabagan Milk Colony >>Beliaghata >>Beliaghata C.I.T Building Area >>Bentinck Street >>Bhawanipur Kolkata >>Bhowanipore >>Bhowanipur Kolkata >>Bhupen Bose Avenue >>Bikash Bhavan G.O.C >>Birati >>Bonhooghly I.E >>Brabourne Rd >>Brabourne Road Branch Kolkata >>Brahmapur >>Burra Bazar >>Burra Bazar Kolkata >>C N Roy Road >>C R Avenue >>Cac Ballygunge >>Cag Kolkata >>Calcutta University >>Camac Street >>Cao Kolkata >>Capc Bidhannagar >>Capc Kolkata >>Cb N S Road >>Cb Salt Lake Kolkata >>Ccgro E Kolkata >>Central Stationery Department >>Centralised Pension Processing Centre >>Charu Market >>Chetla >>Chirangi Ghata Kolkata >>Chowringhee >>Cit Road >>Clearing Centralised Processing Cell Kolkata >>College Street Matket Kolkata >>Colootola >>Comm Br Ballygunge >>Comm. Branch Alipore >>Commercial Branch Kolkata >>Commercial Branch Park Street Kolkata >>Commercial Jawaharlal Nehru Rd >>Cossipore >>Cotton Street Kolkata >>Csppc >>Dakshinpara Baguiati >>Dalhousie Square (East) >>Dhakuria >>Document Archival Centre Budge Budge >>Dum Dum Road >>East Jadavpur Br Kolkata >>Ektp(Nabapally) Kolkata >>Elgin Road >>Elliot Road Kolkata >>Entally >>Esplanade >>Ewealth Centre Kolkata >>Fd Kolkata >>Fort William >>Garcha >>Garden Reach >>Garfa >>Garia >>Gariahat Civic Centre >>Goabagan >>Goaltore >>Gokhale Road >>Golf Green >>Golf Green Kolkotta >>Golpark >>Grey Street Extn.Branch >>Haridevpur >>Harish Mukherjee Road >>Hazra Road >>High Court Branch >>High Court Extension Branch Kolkata >>High Land Park Kolkata >>Hili >>Hindustan Road Kolkata >>Howra Branch Kolkata >>Ifb Kolkata >>India Exch. Place Extn. >>Jadavpur University >>Jadubabus Bazar >>Jatindra Mohan Avenue >>Jeevandeep >>Jodhpur Park >>Joramandir >>Jorasanko >>Kalighat >>Kalikapur >>Kanlindi Housing Estate >>Kasba Kolkata >>Keorapukur >>Khirode Ghosh Market >>Kidderpore >>Kidderpore Dockyard Area >>Kidderpore Kolkata >>Kolkata Air Port >>Kolkata Ajay Nagar >>Kolkata Burtalla St >>Kolkata Camac Street >>Kolkata Jodhpur Park >>Kolkata Lake Market >>Kolkata Main >>Kolkata Main >>Kolkata Park Street Branch >>Kolkataburra Bazar >>Kolkatamain >>La Martiniere >>Ladies Park >>Lake Gardens >>Laketown >>Lansdowne Kolkata >>Liability Cpc Kolkata >>Lower Circular Road >>M G Road (Daftaripara) >>Mahamayatala >>Manicktala >>Maniktala Civic Centre >>Mega Dac Kolkata >>Metiaburuz >>Micr Cheque Processing Centre >>Mid Corporate Loan Administration Unit >>Middleton Row >>Mominpur >>Money Shop >>Motilal Colony >>Moulali >>Muchipara >>Mukundapur >>N S Road Kolkata >>N.R.I. Salt Lake >>Nagerbazar >>Naktala >>Narendrapur >>Narkeldanga >>Nayabad >>Netaji Nagar >>Netaji Subhash Road >>New Alipore >>New Ballygunge Kasba >>New Ballygunge Kolkata >>New Market >>Nimtallah >>Nioh Campus Kolkata >>Northern Avenue >>Not Available >>Nri Kolkata >>Oad Lho Kolkata >>Overseas Branch Kolkata >>P And S B Branch Kolkata >>Paikapara >>Palbazar >>Panchannagram >>Park Circus >>Park Street >>Parkstreet Kolkata >>Parnashree >>Pas Road >>Pbb Deshpriya Park >>Pbb Jadavpur >>Pbb Kankurgachi >>Pbb Park Street >>Pbb Salt Lake >>Picnic Garden >>Pottery Road >>Purba Putiary >>R G Kar Medical College >>Rabindra Bharati University Campus >>Rabindra Sarani >>Rabindranagar >>Racpc Koklata >>Raja D Street >>Rajabagan Dockyard >>Rajarhat >>Rajarhat >>Rajarhat >>Rash Behar Avenue >>Rashbehari Avenue >>Rasmeccc Titagarh >>Rbo 1 Kolkata >>Rbo Kolkata Ii >>Regent Estate >>Regional Business Office Sce Kolkata >>Rifle Club Road (Bansdroni) >>Rifle Road >>Roy Bahadur Road Behala >>Ruby Park >>Ruby Park >>S B Dey Street >>Sahidnagar >>Sakherbazar >>Sales Tax Bldg >>Salt Lake >>Salt Lake City >>Salt Lake City Kolkata >>Salt Lake City Kolkatta >>Salt Lake Kolkata >>Samb Ii Kolkata >>Samb Kolkata >>Samro Kolkata >>Santoshpur >>Sarat Bose Road >>Sarc Kolkata >>Sarsuna >>Sasthitala Kolkata >>Sbi Global Trade Finance Centre Kolkata >>Sbi Intouch Southern Avenue >>Sbiintouch Camac Street >>Sbiintouch Elgin Road >>Sbiintouch New Alipore >>Sbiintouch P.A.Shah Road >>Sbiintouch Quest Mall >>Sbiintouch Sarat Bose Road >>Sblc Salt Lake >>Scf Cpc Kolkata >>Sealdah >>Sector Iii Salt Lake >>Service Branch Kolkata >>Service Branch Kolkata >>Shakespeare Sarani >>Shakespeare Sarani >>Shyam Bazar Kolkata >>Shyambazar >>Siriti Muchipara >>Sitalatala >>Sle Complex Kolkata >>Sme Hill Cut Road Siliguri >>Sme New Alipore >>Smecc (New Branch) >>South 24 Parganas Zone >>South Sinthee >>Southern Avenue >>Sovabazaar Kolkata >>Specialised Institutional Banking Kolkata >>Spl. Currency Administrative Branch >>Ssi Bhowanipore >>Subodh Mullick Square Kolkata >>Sukhobristi >>Surya Sen Street >>Swasthya Bhawan >>Swiss Park Kolkata >>Taltala >>Taratala >>Taratala Industrial Estate >>Telenga Bagan >>Thakurpukur Kolkata >>Tollygunge >>Tollygunge Cir. Road >>Tollygunge New Theater >>Topsia >>Trade Finance Cpc Kolkata >>Triangular Park >>Ultadanga >>Unique Park >>Vivekanand Branch >>Vivekanand Road Kolkata >>Wellesley Park >>Zonal Inspection Office Kolkata >>Zonal Office Bidhan Nagar >>Zonal Office Kolkata

MICR code for SBI Racpc Koklata

SBI MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) code is a machine readable code used for processing and clearance of cheques. State Bank Of India MICR code for Racpc Koklata is a 9 digit code, in which first 3 digit represents the city code, next 3 digit to bank code and later 3 digit to branch code. 700002995 is the MICR code of SBI Bank for Racpc Koklata branch. MICR code for Racpc Koklata branch includes document type indicator, bank code, cheque number, etc. When a cheque goes for clearing, this code is read by a magnetic reader and then automatically sorted. MICR code for State Bank Of India Racpc Koklata is presented in the table alongside.

Use of State Bank Of India MICR code for Racpc Koklata branch in kolkata

The MICR code 700002995 is used in RBI cheque clearing process to identify the branch Racpc Koklata and State Bank Of India bank for clearing processes. The MICR characters, which are printed using magnetic ink, are passed before a MICR reader. Initially the ink gets magnetized and when it is read, each character produces a unique waveform which can be easily identified. MICR code of SBI Bank is typically in either of these two font’s: E-138 and CMC-7.
