400229048 MICR Code ICICI

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Bank Icici Bank Ltd
Business Hours
Mode Of Payment Cash,Cheque,Demand Draft and Net banking
Branch Mumbai Andheri Ii
Contact Phone - 022 - 67574314 / 4322
Bank Details Icici Bank Ltd Mumbai Andheri Ii ICIC0000377
Location Mumbai, Mumbai
City Mumbai
District Mumbai
State Maharashtra
Pincode 400058
Country IN
Address Icici bank ltd , mona building, ii, j.p road, next to navrang cinema, andheri(w), mumbai-400058  400058
Note: The working hours listed are generalized for all banks. Please take a note that the bank timings may vary from branch to branch. As per guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India, banks will not be operational on 2nd and 4th Saturdays and all Sundays of a month.

A total of 136 branches of Icici Bank Ltd are available with micr code -

>>Aarey Road Goregaon (E) Mumbai >>Andheri >>Andheri J.B.Nagar >>B2 Branchfree Banking >>Bandra >>Bandra (E) >>Bandra (E) Mig Colony >>Bkc E Block >>Chandivali Bo >>Chembur >>Cms >>Cms >>Corporate Branch Bkc >>Dadar >>Deonar Mumbai >>Girgaum >>Gorai Mumbai Maharashtra >>Goregaon Mumbai >>I C Colony Borivali Mumbai Maharashtra >>Jogeshwari (W) Mumbai Maharashtra >>Juhu >>Juhu Tara Road >>Kalabadevi >>Kandivali Thakur Complex Mumbai. >>Kandivali West >>Landt Branch Maharashtra >>Link Road Malad Maharashtra >>Mahim >>Majiwade Thane Maharashtra >>Malad East >>Marol >>Midc Andheri >>Mobile Money >>Mulund (W) Mumbai >>Mumbai >>Mumbai Andheri >>Mumbai Andheri Four Bunglows >>Mumbai Andheri Ii >>Mumbai Andheri Link Road >>Mumbai Andheri W.E. Highway Maharashtra >>Mumbai Backbay Reclamation >>Mumbai Bandra >>Mumbai Bandra Kurla Complex >>Mumbai Bangur Nagar >>Mumbai Bhandup(W) >>Mumbai Borivali >>Mumbai Borivali S V Road >>Mumbai Borivili E >>Mumbai Carnac Bundar Maharashtra >>Mumbai Cbd Belapur >>Mumbai Chandivali >>Mumbai Chembur >>Mumbai Chembur Ii >>Mumbai Colaba >>Mumbai Dadar >>Mumbai Dahisar East Maharashtra >>Mumbai Fort >>Mumbai Ghatkopar >>Mumbai Ghatkopar West >>Mumbai Goregaon East >>Mumbai Hughes Road >>Mumbai I Serv Exten. >>Mumbai Jb Nagar Hul Campus Maharashtra >>Mumbai Juhu >>Mumbai Kandivali Charkop >>Mumbai Kandivali East >>Mumbai Kandivli East Lokhandwala >>Mumbai Khar Linking Road Maharashtra >>Mumbai Khar West >>Mumbai Lbs Marg Kurla Maharashtra >>Mumbai Lokhandwala >>Mumbai Lower Parel >>Mumbai Mahalaxmi >>Mumbai Mahim >>Mumbai Malad >>Mumbai Malad Ii >>Mumbai Marine Drive >>Mumbai Marine Lines >>Mumbai Marol >>Mumbai Matunga >>Mumbai Mazgaon >>Mumbai Mehboob Studio >>Mumbai Mulund >>Mumbai Mulund(E) >>Mumbai Nana Chowk Maharashtra >>Mumbai Napeansea Road >>Mumbai Nariman Bhavan >>Mumbai Nariman Point >>Mumbai Navy Nagar Maharashtra >>Mumbai Nehru Nagar Kurla >>Mumbai Opera House >>Mumbai Powai >>Mumbai Prabhadevi >>Mumbai Rajawadi Ghatkopar (E) >>Mumbai Samachar Marg >>Mumbai Santacruz >>Mumbai Shimpoli Maharashtra >>Mumbai Sion(E) >>Mumbai Tardeo >>Mumbai Thane Belapur Road >>Mumbai Vashi >>Mumbai Vashi Sec 12 >>Mumbai Veer Savarkar Road Maharashtra >>Mumbai Veera Desai Road >>Mumbai Versova >>Mumbai Vile Parle >>Mumbai Worli >>Mumbai Zaveri Bazaar >>Mumbaighatkopar Garodia Nagar >>Naigaon Maharashtra >>Old Panvel >>Pant Nagar Ghatkopar(E) Mumbai >>Panvel >>Pedder Road >>Poonam Nagar Branch >>Rpc Mumbai >>Saki Vihar >>Sanpada Mumbai >>Santacruz S V Road Mumbai >>Sher E Punjab >>Sherly Road Bandra Mumbai >>Shri Arihant Coop Bank Ltd >>Tap N Pay >>Thane Teen Hath Naka >>Thane Ulhasnagar >>The Chembur Nagarik Sahakari Bank Ltd >>The Hub Mall >>The Kurla Nagarik Sahakari Bank Ltd >>Tilak Nagar Mumbai >>Vakola Santacruz >>Vasant Garden Mulund W >>Vashi Apmc Rmag >>Vikas Paradise Mulund Mumbai >>Vile Parle >>Virar >>Wadala Mumbai

How to verify 400229048 MICR Code?

The best and simplest place to verify 400229048 MICR code of branch is the refer your cheque book bottom line. Most banks now print MICR Codes on the pass books too, so you can check out ICICI pass book too!

What is 400229048 ICICI MICR code?

ICICI Bank MICR code 400229048 is displayed at the bottom of a cheque leaf and it includes the document type indicator, bank code, cheque number, etc. MICR code 400229048 of Industrial Credit And Investment Corporation Of India is typically in either of these two fonts: E-138 and CMC-7. The MICR code allows the characters to be read easily and reliably even if they are over-printed or concealed by stamps and signatures.

400229048 is the MICR Code for Mumbai Andheri Ii branch of ICICI. This code is printed on the cheque book, and used to transfer funds to and from the branch faster. The address of Mumbai Andheri Ii branch is Icici bank ltd , mona building, ii, j.p road, next to navrang cinema, andheri(w), mumbai-400058  400058, which is located in Mumbai District of Maharashtra State.

Find more information on MICR Code 400229048 of ICICI Mumbai Andheri Ii Branch MICR Code Mumbai for NEFT transfer and RTGS transfer below:

*NOTE: The MICR code provided here is only for reference. Please confirm MICR code 400229048 with the code printed on the cheque or the respective ICICI account passbook.